Credit card companies are good at bluffing. The persons who do the harassment are usually employees of collection agencies. Sometimes they will send you a copy of criminal complaint with a threat that if you don't settle your obligation, they will file it in court. This is intended to create a sense of urgency on you and so you will raise heaven and hell just so you can pay your debt. The naive ones are forced to sell some properties just to avoid getting dragged in a court litigation. Invariably, these card companies succeed using this tactic.
From the looks of it, there shouldn't be a warrant of arrest against you because what you have are mere civil liabilities (credit card and personal loan) unless, it was accompanied with fraud or deceit, it should be a case of collection for a sum of money only not a criminal case.
Another indication that there was no real warrant of arrest is the fact that the people who went to your residence did not have a copy of the warrant with them. The warrant is served by police officers not court employees. What court servers serve are summons for civil complaints.
I have good reasons to believe that it's a bluff.