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Falcified T.O.R

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1Falcified T.O.R Empty Falcified T.O.R Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:43 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi Atty,

I supposed to graduate on March 2006, I realy want and so excited that time to enter into the seminary, but some of my subject professors are delaying my grades or to make the story short our department asked me to take some of the subject on the next semester. what I did is I went to recto then ask them to make a certificate of graduation for me. and I entered to a seminary,
for the past years I am having trouble now because I realy need the TOR from my previous school what should I do, I heard that my record was sealed and marked as restricted.

What should I do to resolve it.

I really want to resolvbe it, and I really want to pursue my priestly vocation please help.

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