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certificate of employment

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1certificate of employment Empty certificate of employment Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:05 pm


Arresto Menor

sir, can i ask if my former employer can hold my certificate of employment? i was terminated due to retrenchment..i received my separation pay in full.. do i have the right to have COE? as their former employee?..what will i do? another...can i file a request if my former employer gave our 13th month pay different from what DOLE rule? instead of having the full monthly earnings..they only gave us the "basic pay" (as what they call it) which is only 1/3 of our monthly salary...

2certificate of employment Empty Re: certificate of employment Thu Mar 14, 2013 11:26 am

tsi ming choi

Reclusion Perpetua

Ofcourse, you are entitled to ask/request for a certificate of employment, despite that you already received your separation pay by reason of retrenchment. That CEO will certify only that you were previously working in that company.

As to the 13th month pay, I THINK(in my opinion lang po)you can no longer ask for that because i believed that after you received your separation pay, the company let you sign a quit claim or waiver for any future claim against the company.(am i right?)

also, that 13th month pay issue must be question from the time you are an active employee of that company, that is, before you were retrenched.

But you can seek for any 2nd opinion or advice here, based on that facts presented.

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