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last salary

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1last salary  Empty last salary Wed Mar 06, 2013 9:34 am


Arresto Menor

i was working in a call center in pasig when i've got terminated last march 2, 2013. Our cut-off falls every 15th and 30th of the month, authomatically feb 28 was our cut-off date since there's no 30th on feb,.I was advised that i will not gonna received my previous salary but instead ill ge getting it after 30-60 days and it form of back pay,.My question is,is it right that im ot getting my salary on our payday instead of getting it after 30-60 days? our payday will be on march 7 but my teamates told me that i have no payslip anymore and i will be receiving it after 30-60 days, Tama po ba sila? kasi nakumpleto ko naman ung buong cut-off bago ako naterminate and ang alam ko ung kasama sa back pay ung pinasok ko before got terminated, tax refund and 3th month,.Sana po masagot ang question ko,.thank u po

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