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Part of the provisions of the contract

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1Part of the provisions of the contract Empty Part of the provisions of the contract Fri Mar 01, 2013 6:06 pm

dino andrey

Arresto Menor

Good day po. I now have the copy of my contract and it stated that "In case I will not be able to finish the agreed teaching years or terms stated above, I agree without argument that I will be given corresponding sanction for breaching the contract: a. I will not be issued an employment certificate b. That I will pay an amount of 30,000 pesos, as compensation for jeopardizing the efficacy of my institution in carrying out its educational duties. c. That my employer, with whom i am under contract, has the right to defer my possible future employment to another company until any issues have been settled."
Ano po kaya ang laban ko dito? Thanks po Atty LLL


Reclusion Perpetua

pumirma ka eh.. kung di kayo nag a agree.. wag kayo pipirma..

dino andrey

Arresto Menor

yes i signed pero ang hinahabol ko eh yung computation nila ng para sa compensation.

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