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X.concubine or x.mistress chance againts wife?

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Arresto Menor

Hi,im sory to disturb any0ne but i do not have the means to c0nsult a lawyir. I hope sam0ne will help me. I was a mistress or 'kabit' before and the wife will file a case against me and her husband. Do i have the right to fight bak?what are the cases i can file against her? Her husband had an0ther woman but she insisted that it was me. She will file a case against me after a couple of months that she found out about us. What will she file and am i g0ing to pris0n?I was living with her husband before but that was over now. I hope you can help me. I am about to met my fiance this august. Thanks!



Of course you have all the right to "fight back"! When the case is filed against, defend it with all you can. Don't worry, there will always be defenses in any case. Nevertheless, just hope that the wife will pursue the case.



Arresto Menor

Sir, why would i h0pe that she will pursue the case? I don't want any trouble....



where is the husband now? did he go back to her?

what cases you can counter-charge depends on the wife's acts against you. what has she done to you? how does she communicate with you?


Arresto Menor

Hi AttyLLL,

I just knew from our common friend that she will file a complaint in my barangay.

I don't know where the husband now. He didn't go back to her my friend who has an access to her(wife).

If she will file a complaint against me in my barangay, can i file a complaint against her to for public humiliation? We live in a different city.

I am planning to go with my fiance this August. Can the barangay complaint be a hindrance to my departure together with my Fiance? I ask these questions to be prepared for worst scenarios. I know you have a lot of things to do. I appreciate it a lot that you have this kind of forum.

Someday, I will repay all your kindness. Hopefully you have an account where we can send donations or token of appreciation. I believe others will give their tokens too because of the help you have given.

PLease help me....Thank you very much.



i have a bank account which can accept retainer payments, haha. this is a FREE legal advice forum, but we appreciate the thought behind the offer.

a mere barangay complaint cannot be cause to prevent you from leaving the country. an actual criminal complaint at the prosecutor's office, however, can lead to an issuance of a watchlist order and this will prevent your from leaving.

a barangay complaint is allowed only when the parties submit freely or both parties reside in the both city or municipality. you can make a good argument that she is intentionally causing you distress by choosing a legal remedy only meant to humiliate you, and you can seek damages. whether the case will prosper is another question, however.


Arresto Menor

Hi AttyLLL,

Thank you so much for your help. I have included you in my gift List. My fiance told me that a work is prepared for me which will let me earn 50k - 60k(converted to PhP) each month.

Rest assured, ill be back here.

Anyway, back to my issue. what do u mean by "both parties submit freely?"

If she will file a criminal complaint, what are her grounds? Can anyone just file criminal complaint without any basis?

Please help me. I am ready to talk to her and fight back.



Arresto Menor


Was there a possibility that i will go to prison? the wife can get the statements from the landlord/landlady of her husband's boarding house...and i have read here that she can still file a criminal case against us (husband and me) within 4years of this affair....

I don't want to go to prison... if convicted, distierro is only the punishment for me, right?

Was there any case that the x-kabit will go to prison?

please help



submit freely means they consent to go under barangay mediation. if you do not live in the same city or municipality as the wife, the bgy actually has no authority, but if you accept and participate then you submitted freely. anyway, in bgy proceedings, the lupon has no power to decide who is wrong or right; they can only try to convince the parties to settle amicably.

the likely charge against you and the husband is concubinage. even if you were convicted, the punishment for the mistress is destierro where you are not allowed near the home of the complainant.

a complaint without basis, that's what some lawyers are for. you cannot prevent her from filing a complaint, but you have every opportunity to defend against her complaint.


Arresto Menor


I really appreciate your effort in replying to my inquiries. I understand it now what should be done.

I still have to face civil case if ever she will file one, Art.26? alienation of husband's affection, right?

It's okay I am more prepared than ever. I ask these questions because I knew that she has some lawyers relative. She is getting advice from her/him. Their family is influential in their city but not in my city.

I really don't care if she file a complaint against me, I can handle it smoothly, my only concern is for my family. People in our hometown doesn't know how these things work. I don't want my family to suffer in behalf of me. I know it was my fault but I am prepared to face any consequences, just live out my family for this matter.

Thank you very much AttyLLL.

I will keep you posted. ♥ ♥ ♥



I stand corrected. I should have said that the "wife will NOT pursue the case". Have not check the forum for a while. Good thing attyLLL was able to answer all your queries. So kind of him.

And by the way, please make sure your new fiance is NOT married. Good luck!



Arresto Menor

heya sir Logan/Wolverine....

new fiance isn't married at all...made sure of that...and ur one of my guardian case i need a lawyer.. i hope one of you will represent me Very Happy

ill always remember you far, there was no action on the part of the wife now......

i wonder why....



Then you should be thankful that the wife is not yet "retaliating". Perhaps she has forgiven the both of you (or maybe your ex is doing great in his "perforamnce". just kidding)

I hope you will not commit the same mistake. Once is enough.


14X.concubine or x.mistress chance againts wife? Empty nope Tue Aug 10, 2010 2:43 am


Arresto Menor

wolverine wrote:Then you should be thankful that the wife is not yet "retaliating". Perhaps she has forgiven the both of you (or maybe your ex is doing great in his "perforamnce". just kidding)

I hope you will not commit the same mistake. Once is enough.


im still waiting for the retaliation part... coz apparently, her husband eloped with someone else and she's blaming me for it.... but she doesn't have any evidences that it was really me...she won't believed our friend that i have nothing to do with her husband at the moment....that's why i am concerned about the past events wherein i was living with her husband....

ill just wait for the worst scenario attys? Question


Arresto Menor


will a concubinage/ civil case prosper eventhough she will use testimonies that happened months ago?



do you mean testimonies of events that were months ago? or testimonies given months ago? i assume you refer to affidavits. either way, they may be accepted as evidence except at actual trial.


Arresto Menor

attyLLL wrote:do you mean testimonies of events that were months ago? or testimonies given months ago? i assume you refer to affidavits. either way, they may be accepted as evidence except at actual trial.

both attyLLL, will these personas who testified be in court to tell the stories again? so, it will still prosper even we are over now?and he was living with someone else.



not necessarily prosper, but the testimony can be received as evidence and considered by the court.

19X.concubine or x.mistress chance againts wife? Empty hello Fri Aug 13, 2010 6:12 am


Arresto Menor

thank you so much attorney...

i just can't wait to work abroad and get back at ya and other attys here for helping me out...

thanks also for helping the others here...... I love you


Arresto Menor


what if they will pay the prosecutor or threatened him or use their connections to win? huhuhuhuhu



i have to admit that it's always a risk, but they can't pay all the levels all the way to the supreme court.

22X.concubine or x.mistress chance againts wife? Empty hi Sat Aug 14, 2010 7:24 pm


Arresto Menor

thanks for that atty.. anyways, the wife never bothered but she told our common friend that i have to watch out for her....


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