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need help here

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1need help here Empty need help here Tue Jan 08, 2013 11:48 am


Arresto Menor

i previously worked in a call center here in clark before which was managed by indians. I was terminated because of attendance issues which I would understand. Now, my wife works at the same company, same account and under the same operations manager, an indian, which all employees in that company know that he does not have a working permit here. I personally had no problem with that before.
Now he discovered that my wife is under her "cluster" and he "allegedly" told my wifes supervisor that he wanted to terminate her just because she is related to me.
i texted this manager and told him to stop power tripping my wife. He replied and said that if I do not stop texting him, he would report me to all call centers and the Clark Management what kind of employee I am.
this manager had this attitude even before. he would often scream at agents. he was once told by a supervisor to stop this attitude since he is working in our country and he should adjust.
any piece of advise would be greatly appreciated.

2need help here Empty Re: need help here Tue Jan 08, 2013 2:33 pm


Arresto Menor

add ko na rin. san pwede i-confirm or i-check if a foreign person working in the Philippines has a proper working visa? what government agency pwede mag inquire?

3need help here Empty Re: need help here Wed Jan 09, 2013 3:09 am


Reclusion Perpetua

y051br34k wrote:add ko na rin. san pwede i-confirm or i-check if a foreign person working in the Philippines has a proper working visa? what government agency pwede mag inquire?

Bureau of Immigration.

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