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Need Advice

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1Need Advice Empty Need Advice Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:10 pm

lady in red

Arresto Menor

Hi, thank you for providing the public a site which gives free legal advice.

I read about the topic of a husband who wants to file an adultery case to his wife..
In my case, my husband is also thinking of filing a case against me.

I am married with one kid. My husband and I were married for 8 years now and since we got married it was always me who support our family. For how many years he dont have a work and every night he's drinking, always go out with friends and always come home early morning. We always fight every now and then because of his vices but I always forgive him because i love him so much. Then one night he got fight and worst he hit me and tried to make "SAKAL" me thats the first time he hit me and the 2nd time that happened I asked him to leave our house. By the way we are living in my parents house. But he asked me to forgive him and I did because I love him and I love our child so much.

Then after 5 years we decided to work abroad to save money for our child and he asked for a second chance that he will prove to me that he can supoprt our family.

My husband and I used to work abroad, he went Dubai for 3 1/2 yrs. He came home last November 2010 and never left the conuntry and I went for vacation last December 2010 and stayed in the Philippines for 50 days and came back to Dubai, then I came home again last August 2011 for our sons 7th birthday and left again last September 2011.

On his stay there, "word fighting" on fone, and internet has always been there because of his too much jealousy and lack of trust on me.But i've been good and true to him from the time we've known each other..Most of the time i receive words which are "below the belt" and insulting my personality.He's always thinking that i have a guy.. and always asked me to do cyber sex with him which is I dont like but forces me to do it.
The worst part is he's not sending support to our child not even a single centavo and until we both decided to have a vacation to settle things out but until the last time not even a single centavos he gave to our son not even to me.

On my stay in Dubai, I met a guy and we became friends, he's so much nice and I even met his sister and family. I always tells him about my problem and I always tell him about muy child, eventually I forgot all my problems with my husband and we both fell in love with each other. So when I decided to go home last Dec. 2010, I already decided to talk to my husband and file a separation.

So when I came back to Philippines, my husband can feel that Im very cold to him and asked me whats wrong, I didnt told him that time about my decision. We both live on the same roof with my parents but stayed on different rooms. We are talking but not that much and he always asked me whats worng, i was hesitant to tell him and I dont know how to start to tell him about the issue. Honestly, I dont love my husband anymore. Then 1 day my bf in Dubai called and accidentally my husband heard our conversation and confronted me. And eventually I already admit to him and told him everything. Then he got angry and took all his cloths and left our house and went to their house. Then the next day he came back in our house and we talked. I already told him that I want separation, he said he dont want because he loves me despite what I did. I told him, i dont love him anymore because he's too irresponsible. I told him that we need to tell his parents about mu decision, but he said no, but he told me that he will let me go that he will support me, everything happened because of him and everything was his fault why I fell out of love of him. He asked me hi could still stay in our house to be with our child, because he misses our child for more than 2 years, so I let him stayed in our house but we are not staying on the same room, but one time he came to my room and force me have sex with him, he succeeded but i was crying and he said sorry and I forgave him but I felt guilty to my bf in Dubai. That never happened again. My parents knew about my decisions but his parents doesnt know because he dont want to tell them.

So I left again to Dubai and months go on. He send me text and messages in fb adn tells me that he still loves me but he wont force me to go back to him and he always wish me happiness with my bf. He still stays in our house and sends our sons to school but til now he dont have work and he's not giving support in our child. Then he decided to go to abroad again but he needs to study first so my father offered help, my father gave him money so that he can study and told my father that he will pay once he go abroad but until now he's still in the Philippines.

But when I came back last August I already told him that we should tell his parents about our real situation. So we talked to his parents and told them about us, at first they felt bad and sad because they knew how much I love their son and asked me what happened, I told them to asked their son because my husband dont want tell to know the reaason. And eventually, I found out that he is also having gf, but he denied that to me. But my cousins and friend saw him and the girl. I told hi m that he can have gf, and I dont care because we are already separated. So we still became friends but already told him to leave our house. So left our house but still he dropped and pick our son in school but the worst part is, Im still the one whose giving money for their "PAMASAHE" which that includes in the budget i send to my parents for my child.
I already told him that, I will save money to file annulment, he really got sad but he said he cant force me to stay anymore if i dont love him anymore and he said that he still supports me whatever my decision is.

Eventaully my relationship wiht my bf in Dubai is getting strong and we already planned to get married once my marriage got annulled, but something happened, I got pregnant so I decide to go home and tell my parents about it. Tehy told me to stay with my aunt in Manila because it would be a big problem if my husband and his family would know. But my father insisted that I'll stay in home and face the consequences. I didnt got to tell my husband and his family personally, because my father told his friend, and his friend (he is a cousin of my husband) told my husband and his family. They got angry and I tried to talk to my husband but he avoids me and dont want to talk to me.

Then my father decided to talk to my husband. Then my husband told my father that he will take my son but my father told him that he wont give our son, because he dont have work how can he support my son? they dont have water and electricity in their house, no one is there to support them. my in-laws are not working, my husband is not working and my bro-in-law is married but dont have work. They have one brother who is in Afgan, but doesnt send support to my in-laws regualrly because he is also married and have two kids. Just imagine how can they survived.

I know what i did was wrong but im still asking forgiveness to my husband. But he's angry and send text messages to me and treathens me that he will file case against me. My in-laws talked to my mom and still nothing change they accept what happened and my father-in-law every time he sees me, he always smiles ate me and greets me as if nothing happened and i can feel that they already accepted what happened. but it is my husband who is sending text to me but after reading them im erasing them. He told me to wait and I will know his answer to all the pains I've caused him.

Can i really be guilty of adultery? or what case my husband could file against me?

Do i still have a possibility to defend my self?

What case can i file against him for not supporting our son and before he even hurt me??

Please help me..i really need a clear answer.

Thank you and more power.

2Need Advice Empty Re: Need Advice Tue Apr 10, 2012 5:29 pm



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