This month a friend of mine received a summon regarding a violation of RA 7832 or the anti-electricity law..
My friend applied for the electricity of his cousin's house with this the name of the bill was in his name. However, he does not live in the said house. Now, someone from that house for some reason tapped electricity from i don't know where without my friend knowing it. It is evident that my friend has no knowledge over it as he does not live in that house. But the summon was addressed to him since his name appears on the electricity bill for that house.
The question now is that whether or not the summon should really be addressed to him and whether or not he should be prosecuted for the said offense in which he had no knowledge of.
Another is, what remedy should preferably be taken in this situation?
PS. We believe it is not lawful to prosecute someone for an offense he did not commit and had no knowledge of the commission. The act of applying for the house electricity of his cousins house was to help them and not to get him in trouble.. Receiving a summon came as a shock to him really.