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Cancellation of insurance policy

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1Cancellation of insurance policy Empty Cancellation of insurance policy Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:35 pm


Arresto Menor

Is it possible due to some circumstances that i can cancel the policy i purchased from AXA life insurance. (xpressdegree).and that i can refund the money i deposited.whIch costs p50,000+.(can someone help me on this matter).I purchased the said policy last feb20, 2012. I have informed the agent that i have decided to cancel it last friday feb 24,2012.i ff up up this monday feb 27,2012.the agent was nice enough to guide me on this matter but the manager was very firm that i can nolonger refund the money i hae deposited.she did not help in any way instead have gave me lots of dissapointments.i have told them i am on my part have a fault,and that i will be glad to help which way i can so both parties will not get dissapointed.even if there is any penalties due to my cancellation,i tOld them its ok with me.but still she insisted my money is put to waste and that i cannot refund it.pls help me on this.

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