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release of warrant of arrest

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1warrant - release of warrant of arrest Empty release of warrant of arrest Sun Apr 24, 2011 11:00 pm


Arresto Menor

I would like to ask how long does it take for a warrant of arrest be issued/released for an estafa case? Our last arraignment was Jan 2011 and i was told that time that the case was due for resolution already. Thank you once again..

2warrant - release of warrant of arrest Empty Re: release of warrant of arrest Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:10 pm



i don't believe you used the term arraignment correctly. safe to say that it is issued within a month from issuance of the resolution.

3warrant - release of warrant of arrest Empty Re: release of warrant of arrest Tue Apr 26, 2011 2:13 pm


Arresto Menor

hi atty,
sorry for that...arraignment..cause we received a subpoena, then for 3 meetings, the other party didn't show up. The fiscal noted the case was due for resolution since last jan 2011 but until now, the documents are still apt for review, not signed by the provincial prosecutor it reasonable to say that there are other pending documents ahead of ours? if so, does that mean, just for a warrant release, will probably take months...or maybe years? Sad(

4warrant - release of warrant of arrest Empty Re: release of warrant of arrest Thu Apr 28, 2011 11:00 pm



i have a case pending review since last october. i follow up every 2 weeks. only thing you can do or file a motion to resolve which might just piss off the prosecutor because he has to answer it, not the reviewing fiscal.

5warrant - release of warrant of arrest Empty Re: release of warrant of arrest Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:42 pm


Arresto Menor

Ask ko lang po ang warrant of arrest po ba ay may kasamang search warrant or nirerequest po ito ng bukod? Kung saan po b ang adres ng idinemanda ay doon po b aarestuhing ang Akusado?

6warrant - release of warrant of arrest Empty Re: release of warrant of arrest Thu Aug 18, 2011 10:28 pm



search warrant is separately applied for. police will normally check at address first, but he can be arrested anywhere he can be found.

7warrant - release of warrant of arrest Empty Re: release of warrant of arrest Fri Aug 19, 2011 10:44 pm


Arresto Menor

If halimbawa po ba na ang akusado ay nasa province at nsa manila ang case at mer0n n p0ng warant of arest manila p0lice po b ang huhuli s akusado or pwde po na pulis mismo dun s province n un ang huhuli? Gaanu po ktagal mag isue ng warant?

8warrant - release of warrant of arrest Empty Re: release of warrant of arrest Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:38 pm



warrant can be implemented anywhere in the philippines by any law enforcement authority. it normally takes about 2 weeks after resolution is issued.

9warrant - release of warrant of arrest Empty Re: release of warrant of arrest Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:09 pm


Arresto Menor

F that wud b issued 2wks after the res0luti0n...bbgyan po b ng c0py ang akusad0 ng res0luti0n or ung c0mplainant lng po ang may c0py ng res0luti0n at warrant of arrest?

10warrant - release of warrant of arrest Empty Re: release of warrant of arrest Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:04 pm



a copy will be given to the accused based on the address provided by the complainant. did you file a counter affidavit?

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