I would like to seek help about legal matters for auto loan which was distracted by a carnapping incident.
We bought our unit last October 2015 and it was stolen June 18, 2016.
We already filed a case and gathered the documents needed for insurance claims.
We are down to one more document to complete our requirements which is the "Non-recovery" to be released by the HPG.
Since our unit was stolen, we failed to pay our monthly amortization to RCBC.
Now, RCBC is suing us even we keep on informing them our situation. Their lawyer even called us about the case they're about to file but he was surprised to know that the unit was carnapped. So, they're filing a case without understanding our end.
Please let us know what to do on how to avoid being sued.
We are so stressed and traumatized by this very unfortunate experience.
Thank you very much.